Highgate Road Safe and Healthy Streets

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Added by Jean Dollimore

Camden is consulting on making permanent the trial scheme put in during summer 2020:

  • Extension of hours of operation to 24/7 – “at all times” for the following bus lanes on Highgate Road:
    • the southbound bus lane CMO15 which runs from St Albans Road to Dartmouth Park Road,
    • the northbound bus lane CMO16 which runs from Carrol Close (97 Highgate Road) to Wesleyan Place,
    • and the southbound bus lane CMO17 which runs from Burghley Road to Fortess Road .
  • Waiting and loading restrictions extended to ‘at any time’ in all bus lanes.
  • Addition of two loading bays outside 109-111 Highgate Road in CMO16 and outside 12 Highgate Road in CMO17 with hours of operation of 7pm-7am for loading for commercial properties.

They also propose the following new measures

  • the extension of the existing southbound bus lane “CMO15” to the north, up to the roundabout with Swains Lane
  • the removal of paid-for/permit parking bays along Highgate Road to remove existing pinch points and facilitate the extension of the bus lane (10 outside the tennis courts and 18 opposite Grove Terrace).
  • the introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting and loading restrictions at the junction of Highgate Road and Carrol Close, to improve road user and pedestrian safety


November 12th, 2021


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