Meymott St: continuing Quietway 7 Southwark/Lambeth border
The proposals include:
- Permitting cyclists to travel from Hatfields to Blackfriars Road along the whole of Meymott Street including the section east of Colombo Street.
- Widening of footways, including the removal of three parking spaces, to create a better environment for pedestrians.
- Introduction of raised features on Colombo Street and Hatfields to further slow vehicular traffic and improve pedestrian accessibility.
- Removal of redundant street clutter such as bollards and non-essential signage and the introduction of additional cycle stands.
- The removal of the island at the junction of Meymott Street and Hatfields allowing us to build out the footway.
- Reduction in the number of residents’ bays from six to four and increase in the number of Pay by Phone bays from three to five.