Butter Hill 20mph zone (TMO, LB of Sutton)

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Added by Charles Martin

Notified of the following TMO on 28 November 2018

The London Borough of Sutton are proposing to make Traffic Management Orders as detailed in the attached public notice reference SL1058.

If you wish to view all the statutory documents and make any representations on the proposals please select the link below. Your representations will need to be with us by Thursday 20 December 2018.


The principal objective of the Order The Sutton (Speed Limit) (20mph) (Butter Hill Area) (No.*) Order 201* is to improve the environment for both pedestrians and cyclists by introducing a 20mph speed limit.

The general effect of the Order will be to introduce a 20mph zone in Arcadia Close; Burleigh Avenue; Butter Hill; Caledon Road; Curran Avenue; Devonshire Road; Elm Grove Parade; Leechcroft Road; Lyndon Avenue; Parkfields Close; St Mary Avenue; Vellum Drive; Victoria Avenue; and Westcroft Road between No. 54 and Manor Road North.


December 20th, 2018 17:00


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